Your Inspector

Nick is an InterNACHI certified professional inspector.

I have been working on properties for over 20 years. The knowledge I gained in experience has allowed me to take on home inspecting with ease. Experience coupled with further education from Internachi makes the perfect combination for home inspecting. I have at one time or another worked on every component of a home so I understand how all the parts of a home are interconnected which can help in evaluating problems or potential problems.
Recently I have acquired my part 107 pilot certificate through the FAA so I can incorporate the usage of drones for inspections and for photography. This helps tremendously in evaluating areas of a property that are not safely accessible.

InterNACHI certified Inspector

Click on the button below to be taken to InterNACHI's standards of practice. This gives you an overview of what is to be expected from your home inspection. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Above and Beyond SoCo LLC's image

View from the Arkansas river


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